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tv   ABC World News Now  ABC  January 9, 2013 1:40am-4:00am PST

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i don't find rembrandts. >> good luck, man. coming up next after the break, who wants to sell you a personal stomach pump? this story is wild. that's coming up later. and the restaurants that allow you to cheat on your diet without you knowing. the deception we uncovered on the menu. you're watching "world news now." [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels
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have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. before the sneeze, help protect with a spray.
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before the tissue, help defend with a wipe. before the cold & flu season, help prevent with lysol. because when you have 10 times more protection with each hand wash... and kill 99.9% of germs around the house with each spray... those healthy habits start to add up. this season, a good offense is the best defense and lysol has your family covered because that's our mission for health. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake.
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walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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well, for the past few years, we've been seeing all those calorie counts on menus, and this year, a federal law takes effect, forcing big chain restaurants to post calorie counts. >> it sounds hopeful if those restaurants were telling the truth. as abc's jim avila discovered, the numbers don't always add up. >> reporter: they're supposed to help america's obesity problem. calorie counts boldly displayed on restaurant menus. >> that's kind of important to have that ability to know what you're eating. >> reporter: but a study sampling food from 42 restaurants found wide discrepancies. especially at sit-down
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restaurants and surprisingly, most often on the diet side of the menu. >> these are the foods that people who are trying to manage their weight would gravitate towards and they may be getting more calories than they expect. >> reporter: a just completed abc news sampling found that more than half of the low cal meals that we tested had more calories than listed on the menu. we brought a nationally known lab 24 food samples from four sit-down restaurants and one mcdonald's. surprisingly, the bigmac had 30 calories fewer than advertised in the menu. here too it was the sit-down restaurant that had sometimes wildly different calorie counts than advertised. 11 meals had more calories than on the menu. 10 had fewer. some were over by only a few. but cheesecake factory's fish and trips packed 420 calories more than the menu count in one sample. olive garden's seafood was over its calorie count by 180. and one sample of this grilled
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chicken tested 120 calories more than advertised. >> that may not sound like enough, but if someone consumed 100 calories extra for a year, they could gain up to ten pounds. >> reporter: most calorie counts are as accurate as possible. and tested expensively to make sure. but they concede there are variations, due to portion size and individual restaurant preparations. the menus warn that actual calories may vary. so what you see here may be very different than what is actually on the plate. jim avila, abc news, washington. >> i do not like that! sabotage. >> you are upset. i'm stunned there's no truth in advertising. >> thanks, rob, for the sabotage.
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>> burgers and fries and chicken fingers, four calories. come on down to rob's wing shack. >> seriously, some of it has to do with who is preparing it. >> eat carefully, folks. we'll be right back after this.
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♪ oh, you like creed, huh? >> love creed. >> go ahead. you're good. >> eclectic musical choices for me. being pregnant can be one of the most joyous and nerve-racking time of a woman's life and that first ultrasound is an amazing experience. >> my first was incredible. now, in our culture of
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oversharing, ultrasound parties are the new thing. >> reporter: this looks like your typical baby shower. but it's really a baby viewing shower. the newest trend for parents to be. tiny fingers and toes captured in 4d video. maggie turned what used to be a private moment in the doctor's office into a party at their home. and that little baby on the big screen is the main attraction. >> one beautiful boy here. [ applause ] >> in the doctor's office, it's all medical. this is more an emotional experience, i think. >> i like that. >> i can't see it! >> reporter: but just like in this "friends" episode, at the doctor's office, it's hard to make out exactly what you're seeing. >> no, i don't see it. >> reporter: and the pictures you do get are often blurry and confusing. so maggie hired an on-the-go
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ultrasound service. lisa dixon is a technician, charging around $500 for the at-home viewing experience. >> it's entertainment purposes only, so i do no diagnostics. >> reporter: critics worry extra ultrasounds may pose unnecessary risks. >> just because it's safe in medicine doesn't mean it should be done excessively or without proper medical indication. >> usually the third or fourth one, and there's no risk in that. there's no proven risk in that. >> reporter: the smiths already knew they were having a boy. and it was finally time to show him off. >> there's the heart beat. >> reporter: and grandma, overjoyed to see her grandson for the very first one. >> i'm very happy. >> reporter: abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> oh, that's just some taco bell.
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don't worry. it sparks a movement. look ! no ugly spots ! and see that shine ! you've got to try finish. because once they try finish, they can't keep it to themselves. i'm switching for good. wow ! awesome ! finish is seriously good. cannot believe how great it works. incredible shine. i won't use anything else. love, love, love finish ! so far over a million neighbors, friends, and family have switched to finish. join the finish revolution. recommended by more dishwasher brands worldwide. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare,
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you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it helps pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to me, relationships matter. i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral to see a specialist. so don't wait. call now and request this free decision guide to help you better understand medicare... and which aarp medicare supplement plan might be best for you. there's a wide range to choose from. we love to travel -- and there's so much more to see.
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so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is.
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now it's time for "the mix" and this first story, incredible. >> i will explain why my hand is in a cup of water. while i try not to pee on myself, you continue. >> there's a method to the madness. there's a new weight loss invention. basically, it will let dieters eat anything because there's a pump you stick right in your stomach, and the dieters can eat all they want without digesting. so you see there, the food is just sucked out. you get to eat it, you get to taste it. but when it gets to your stomach, it's sucked out and you don't gain weight. 30% of the food from the stomach before the calories are absorbed into the body is removed and it causes weight loss. >> so it doesn't hit the intestines. >> no. that's not bad. you eat whatever you want. you get the flavor and
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everything. >> so much easier than just going to the gym and walking around. that's wild. >> that's the latest. >> any way, let's not even push it. and this could be a story here, a few big retailers are being fined more than $1 million because they labeled rayon clothing as bamboo. so macy's, amazon, sears has been fined $1.26 million. the clothing was rayon, but they said it was bamboo. so the ftc said when attempting to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, companies need to make sure they don't cross the line into misleading, mislabeling, and advertising. more truth in advertising, just like those calorie counts. how about this. disney world, i don't know if you've ever been there. >> i love it there. >> it's like hell on earth, in
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my opinion. but now all those waiting long hours in line at space mountain, gone. because disney world is unveiling these digital wrist bands that you can gain entry with them, they're hold your place in line and will give information about your child. say it's your child's birthday. when your child reaches a character, the character will say, happy birthday. people are freaked out about it because it's a little creepy and big brother-ish. >> but we always love disney. >> we do. i'll get the wrist band. also, a new study out, we always get that wrinkle effect. i kind of have it here. but they say it's a revolutionary development that our skins wrinkle, because it helps us grip things better that are wet. it's not just a weird thing. it's an
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i'm only in my 60's... i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, it could save you thousands in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide.
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i've been with my doctor for 12 years. now i know i'll be able to stick with him. you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. plus, there are no networks, and you never need a referral. see why millions of people have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. don't wait. call now.
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this morning on "world news now," fired up. gabby giffords' new push against the gun lobby after surviving a shooting two years ago. >> and the former congresswoman is joining lawmakers and lobbyists on both sides of the firearms issue this week. it's wednesday, january 9th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> here we go again. >> wednesday morning is a little tough sometimes. >> hump day. let's get over that hump. what a hump it's been. good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm sunny hostin in for paula faris. you'll see who else is pushing for gun control law changes coming up in our top story. and some of the worst fires ever seen in australia. firefighters are battling the worst 130-degree heat along with
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unpredictable gusty winds. >> those gusty winds just pushing that fire and inflaming it even more. >> terrible combination. >> absolutely. also this morning, does your business need some extra attention? well, you might want to consider hiring this guy. he's earning a worldwide reputation for his sign spinning moves. >> i'm fascinated by this. >> that's a real talent, man. i don't think that's photoshopped or doctored. that's what the dude does. >> i'm fascinated. love it. >> get him to run the prompters. later this half hour, jimmy kimmel moves to his new time spot with a really smashing guest appearance. we'll explain all the funny business coming up in "the skinny." yes, that's right, what you're seeing. >> i love when jen plays rough. but first, lawmakers, leaders and lobbyists are tackling the issue of gun laws
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head on over the next few days. >> today, new york governor andrew cuomo unveiled a sweeping proposal for tougher gun restrictions. in washington, vice president joe biden meets today with victims groups and gun control advocates. and tomorrow, he sits down with representatives of the national rifle association. >> the meetings come at a critical time, as abc's karen travers now reports. good morning, karen. >> reporter: good morning, rob. good morning, sunny. two years after she was shot and wounded, gabrielle giffords is making a big push for gun control. she said the shooting at the sandy hook elementary is a turning point. a somber remembrance of the 2011 shooting tragedy. bells tolled for the 6 killed and 13 wounded two years ago. former congresswoman gabby giffords one was of the wounded. after a long recovery, she's now fighting back, launching a new campaign taking on the gun lobby. they're pushing for background
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checks for private gun sales and limits to high capacity magazine clips. >> how do we get to the point where 85% of the children in the world that are killed with guns are killed in the united states? >> reporter: last week, they comforted families of victims of the sandy hook elementary shooting. she spoke for the first time after in an exclusive interview with abc's diane sawyer. >> you have a gun? >> yes. >> we're both gun owners. we are strong supporters of the second amendment. >> so it is the common sense consensus you're going for? >> we are. and i think most gun owners are in the same camp with us. >> reporter: there's mounting pressure on washington to take meaningful action to prevent another gun tragedy. a new ad for mayors against illegal guns features the mother of christina taylor green. she asked lawmakers --
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>> when will you find the courage to stand up to the gun lobby? >> reporter: congress will spend the next two months fighting about the death ceiling and cuts. rob and sunny, back to you. >> thank you. a couple of months may be optimistic. there is no guarantee whatsoever what congress is going to do. but it is an interesting moment that the nra is being brought to the table. that should be an encouraging sign that -- around that table there's going to be a nice balance of opinion. >> right. different voices. it's interesting, the nra claims $4.4 million was spent on congressional lobbying. the brady campaign spent $5,800. so there is a disparity in terms of the amount spent lobbying. but they all need to be around that table. there should be a happy medium. i think everyone agrees that the second amendment is there for a purpose, but let's reach a consensus on this. >> absolutely. there's no way you can have a
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healthy, balanced gun control debate without the nra at the table. they represent a significant part of the country. but that stat that mark kelly shared, 85% of kids killed in the world happen here in the u.s. killed by guns. i knew it was bad, but i didn't know it was that bad. >> staggering and sobering. the suspected aurora theater gunman james holmes acted bizarrely in the moments after the shooting, according to detectives who questioned him. in hearings yesterday, one officer testified that holmes pretended to put paper bags on his hands were puppets and that he tried to jam a staple into the electrical outlet. husband attorneys claim that holmes is mentally ill. a top lawmaker says secretary of state hillary clinton will testify about the benghazi attack and she will do so on the 22nd of this month. that is a day after president obama's inauguration and the first day back for congress
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after a two-week break. clinton had been scheduled to testify about the attack before she had a series of health problems. early on, critics claim she was avoiding a congressional appearance. also the wife of a former fbi agent who was kidnapped in iran has released a new series of images of her husband. robert levinston is shown draped in chains in what appears to be a mock prison uniform. he holds a sign which reads, help me. he was kidnapped while on a business trip to iran back in 2007. the family says the u.s., though, is not putting enough pressure on iran to deal with the case. record temperatures in southern australia have cooled slightly this morning, dropping below 100 degrees for the first time in days. that small consolation to firefighters battling to put out fires that have consumed more than 300,000 acres in the last day alone. details from the bbc's nick bryant.
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>> reporter: the fires are being fanned by ferocious winds and some of the highest temperatures the state has ever witnessed. four large regions are being placed at a highest state of alert, catastrophic. it means the fires are uncontrollable and fast moving. at ground level, we saw for ourselves how terrifying the fire fronts can be. this is one of the state's main roads, the prince's highway. too dangerous for the emergency services to travel. just off it, the country homes and properties most at risk. you get a sense of the conditions that the firefighters here are dealing with. these swirling, vicious winds. and it's not just new south wales that's been affected. victoria, the state that suffered the awful black saturday disaster in 2009 is being hit again. seldom has australia witnessed a heat wave like it, or fires that have affected such a large area
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of the country. nick bryant, bbc news. >> stunning pictures there. now we're going to turn to a major consumer headline. all you parents may want to listen up to this one. fisher price is recalling 800,000 infant recliner seats called rock-n-play sleepers. babies could be exposed to mold that could grow in the cushions. after 600 complaints about health problems, consumers should contact fisher price for a possible refund. well, anyone who has to make a living as a human bill board knows how tedious it can be to stand outside all day holding up a sign, trying to lure potential customers. >> we've all seen these folks. a lot of these ad specialists have started finding ways to relieve that boredom, kind of like this group. he's part of a growing trend to have turned sign spinning into
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performance art. >> except take a look at the blanked out sign. we didn't do that. so it appears that the guy is advertising himself. maybe for a job as a sign spinner? >> so he's just out there for his own amusement, with a flashback to the break dancing days. >> here in new york you walk by and they have all the signs, they try to give you little pieces of paper. if i saw that, i would be interested in seeing what's what. >> that would catch your eye? >> it would. they would have my curiosity and attention. they would. >> be creative. that's all that matters. stop and look, that's all they want you to do. coming up next, human-like behavior in wild animals. see what's so amazing in rhinos. and the outrage over a big company bailed out by the american taxpayers is set to turn the legal tables. you're watching "world news now."
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[ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it
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ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ for a professional cleansing device? join the counter revolution and switch to olay pro-x. get cleansing results as effective as a $200 system. guaranteed or your money back. olay pro-x. to treat your anti-aging concerns? join the counter revolution and switch to olay pro-x. achieve anti-aging results so you look up to 12 years younger. see results in 28 days. guaranteed or your money back. olay pro-x.
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♪ ♪ well, here's a fine way to say thank you. less than five years after american taxpayers saved the insurance company from bankruptcy, aig is now
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considering suing the u.s. government. >> pretty outrageous according to some folks. aig said the interest rate was simply too high. abc's david muir has more. >> reporter: insurance giant aig bailed out by the american taxpayer just days ago launching this brand new marketing campaign, with three simple words. >> thank you, america. >> thank you, america. >> thank you, america. >> reporter: but now, after thanking america, it turns out aig might sue it. how do you say thank you, america, and then turn around and consider suing america? >> that's the fascinating thing. they just launched this campaign thanking americans, now they're considering suing it. >> reporter: it was the worst economic crash since the depression and taxpayers came to the rescue. $182 billion for aig. the insurance giant had bet on mortgage securities, bets that went wrong. ben bernanke calling the bets unconscionable. fast forward and now the company
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just finished paying back american taxpayers and in those new ads, proud of it. >> we've repaid every dollar america leant us. >> everything. with a profit of more than $22 billion. >> reporter: as those ads play on tv, aig is deciding whether to sue the government. the claim, that the terms of the bailout that taxpayer rescue actually hurt shareholders, in part, arguing the interest charge on that government rescue money was too high. the new york fed telling us, there's no merit to this suit, saying back then, aig's board of directors had an alternative choice from borrowing from the federal reserve and that choice was bankruptcy. had there not have been a bailout, what would the shareholders have now? >> possibly zero. >> reporter: a $25 billion lawsuit has been filed by the former ceo, the company saying it is in their obligation to determine what is in the best interest of the country. >> that's wild. why start that thank you america
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campaign? that's a mixed message. >> they're saying the terms of the bailout were unfair when many say it was too generous. i remember that. we were all reporting that and talking about it. >> oh, aig, omg. coming up next, jimmy kimmel's new time slot and his smashing guest. and inside kim kardashian and kanye west's home. we'll share the price tag and get a peek inside coming up next in "the skinny." in "the skinny." fwlarn
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♪ skinny, so skinny skinny in the house! >> good morning, willis. big night for jimmy kimmel last night. taking over his new time slot at 11:30 here on abc. congratulations to him. a new chapter in late night begins. so congrats, jimmy. enjoy the big move. had a great first show last night. one of my favorite hollywood starlets, jennifer aniston. something so effortlessly sexy about her.
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as this next clip will prove. take a listen. >> why would you do this to my new desk? what is wrong with you? >> out with the old, in with the new. >> this was the new desk. >> how adorable is jennifer aniston? later, she gave him that haircut. jimmy had a fun show. congrats to his new time slot. welcome, jimmy. do your thing after 10, 11 years on the air. so boom, got the big slot. thanks for having jennifer on. >> love jennifer. >> love her. kim kardashian -- >> speaking of love. >> kim, as many people know, is pregnant. she's pregnant with kanye west's baby, their baby. apparently the unmarried couple,
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the happy unmarried couple is buying a $10.75 million mansion in bel-air, california. it's about 10,000 square feet. they're going to gut it and make way for a 14,000 square dream italian villa, because the 10,000 square feet for three people is not big enough. so they're going to have a gym, a movie theater, full hair and makeup salon, bowling alley, basketball court, indoor and outdoor pool. all those things that you need. >> just the basics for, what do they call them, kimye? >> kimye. >> kimye needs that. >> 2013, here we go.
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also -- did i skip one here? where are we at? >> all your girlfriends are in "the skinny." brooke burke was on "good morning america" yesterday. >> you like her too. >> she's fine, as well. and she's recovering well from thyroid cancer. she was on "gma" on tuesday. she had the surgery on december 6th. she'll be back on "dancing with the stars" and we want to say you're looking good, recovering well. there she was in the hospital a few weeks ago. again, the surgery taken care of. we want to extend our best wishes. >> absolutely. >> keep on keeping on. >> you know, the alabama quarterback, we all know they beat notre dame. catherine web, she is the center of attention as opposed to mccarron. espn commentator brent musburger. listen to hem -- >> that young lady there -- >> he was really drooling over this girl.
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>> she's gorgeous. >> oh, sunny. drink some more haterade.
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have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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you're watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. you're watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ every time i hear that song, i think of the cosbys dancing on the steps. remember that? little rudy. takes me back. so here's another question, right? did you ever wonder what rhinos do after dark? i mean, i know i wonder. >> hell no. i can't say that i have. but apparently someone does,
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because the discovery channel took a look at the secret lives of animals. they set up a secret camera and found out exactly what happens and abc's sharyn alfonsi reveals it all. >> reporter: it is a peek into a secret world we've never seen. giraffes in a knockout battle for domination. and then the block rhino, a notoriously solitary animal, or so we thought. watch as rhinos gather at a water hole at night. a mother emerging with her calf. their vision is poor, but their sense of smell is sharp. they greet each other with surprising gentleness. >> we never knew about it because you can't see it. >> reporter: he says there have been legends of such secret gatherings. but until now, no one has been able to film it. >> the only way to do it is with a special camera. >> reporter: and microphones hidden revealed a secret language.
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it's believed this is a friendly sound. an overture of the normally cagey rhino. animals that have been around for millions of years, still able to surprise us. sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. >> i mean, i always wondered what rhinos did after dark. >> now you know. >> personally. and they were so sweet to each other. >> willis, are you touched by this story? >> i'm so touched, i'm about ready to go to sleep. >> look at them. they're like kissing, being so nice. >> of course they're kissing, look how horny they are. oh, man. more from abc coming up next.
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this morning on "world news now," severe season as flu cases spread across the country, hospitals are overwhelmed and overflowing. >> and as the number of cases mounts, so do the suspected flu deaths. it's wednesday, january 9th. >> from abc news, this is "world news now." >> good morning, i'm sunny hostin in for paula faris. >> and i'm rob nelson. good morning, everybody. and from turning away patients to setting up emergency tents, hospitals are now scrambling as the flu outbreak is gripping the country. that is our top story. also, another wrenching day in a colorado courtroom as 911 tapes of the movie theater massacre are played and we learn more about the bizarre behavior of shooting suspect james holmes. and then turning a road into
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a rodeo. a truck full of bulls on the loose, and an officer in the cross hairs of one of them. 1,000 pounds of angry animal. you'll see how it ended. >> that cop ran though, boy. >> cat-like reflexes. >> you've got to know when to run. and later, the latest and greatest from the gadget world from self-driving cars to 110, yeah, 110-inch screens. what is wowing the crowds at the big consumer electronics show in vegas. >> love it. >> nice. >> that's a nice size. 110. >> size matters with tv. >> it does. but first, moving on. flu patients are jamming emergency rooms coast to coast, forcing some hospitals into emergencies of their own. >> some medical centers are so busy and so bogged down, paramedics are under orders to
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take patients elsewhere. abc's larry jacobs reports on the outbreak's serious turn. >> reporter: the season's strain of the flu virus is so vicious and so hard to beat, several major hospitals had to take action in the chicago area. ambulance operators bypassed emergency rooms. >> we consider a number of factors going on bypass. the load in the hospital, the intensive care unit beds are very important, and the number waiting in the emergency department. >> reporter: illinois is reporting at least five deaths. 150 flu patients have been admitted to intensive care units. special tents have gone up in allentown, pennsylvania to treat flu symptoms. >> having trouble breathing is a clear sign you need to seek medical treatment. >> reporter: this 6-year-old, her symptoms were so bad she was taken to the er where they waited hours for a doctor.
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>> they looked down her throat, checked her ears and said she had the flu. told me what to do. >> reporter: she was discharged, and hours later she was dead. hospital administrators insist proper procedures were followed. doctors are telling everyone it's not too late to get a flu shot. but in some areas, include thing oklahoma drugstore, demand is up and supplies are running out. >> that's another reason for people to get their flu shots, to protect others and prevent those increasing mutations in the flu strain. >> reporter: as the flu virus hits the country earlier than usual and with a vengeance. larry jacobs, abc news, new york. >> i think it's so important to remind people to get their flu shots. the current vaccine will protect you against three strains. you can still get sick, but just not as badly if you had gotten it. >> some people who don't hear the shot, you hear oh, i got the shot last year and it made me so
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sick. i think dr. besser said look, you -- >> urban legend. >> you do not get sick from the flu shot. >> i got mine at the airport. you can get them at cvs, the drugstore, airport. there's really to excuse at this point not -- >> when do you typically get it? i haven't got mine yet. >> i get mine october. >> oh, early. >> oh, yes. i don't like being sick. >> i'm definitely going to get mine by easter. now another major medical headline this morning and it's a warning about female binge drinkers. the cdc says excessive alcohol use is linked to 23,000 deaths among women and girls every year. experts say those who binge consume at least four drinks at one sitting. among high school girls, 27% of the seniors surveyed say they are binge drinkers.
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among freshman girls, it is 13%. iceland air confirms it had to restrain a passenger because he was hitting people, screaming p profanities, even spitting. you might remember there was a still picture last week, but now the cell phone video has surfaced. passengers claimed the man had drunk an entire bottle of duty free liquor. he was met by police once the plane landed in new york. with the gun law debate raging across the country, tucson marked a solemn day two years since a gunman opened fire on congresswoman gabrielle giffords and others at an outdoor meeting. bells rang out for the 6 people killed and for those injured, including giffords. on the anniversary, giffords and her husband launched a campaign to lobby for tougher gun laws, saying they were spurred to action by the newtown massacre. and new york's governor will be among those calling for tougher gun laws. he's unveiling his plans for the
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state in a few hours. at the white house, vice president biden meets today with victims groups and gun control advocates. tomorrow, he meets with representatives of the nra. >> should be interesting, you wonder what the nra will bring to that discussion. even after the massacre, the leader kind of doubled down guns. gave that famous quote, the only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a. gun. again, it's important they have a voice at the table so that whatever comes out of biden's group has a chance of getting through congress. the more balanced the opinion is in the early stages, the better the chance politically down the road, you would hope. >> see, i don't know. i think people on both sides of it are so firm with their positions. i'm not certain. you have governor cuomo calling for restrictions. now you have a group of indiana republicans who want to allow students to carry guns on public university campuses.
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so how more far apart can you be? >> like everything else on capitol hill, it will be messy and lengthy. in other news, inside a colorado courtroom, survivors and victim's families sat through more gut wrenching testimony. tapes from 911 calls made just moments after the aurora shooting were played by prosecutors. with more, here's abc's brandi hitt. >> we've got people running out of a theater that are shot. >> reporter: new 911 calls released in court reveal the horror and panic during the colorado movie theater massacre. a 13-year-old girl told dispatch her two cousins had been shot. one is breathing, the other is not. the girl shot breathing was 6-year-old veronica, one of 12 people james holmes is accused of killing last july. one 911 call lasted 27 seconds, but at least 30 gunshots are heard in that time. this was one of the most difficult moments yet for the
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victim's families, including tom and karen, who lost their son, alex. >> i'm torn, but i feel it's something i need to do. >> reporter: the fbi also detailed the elaborate setup of booby traps found inside holmes' apartment. from trip wires tied to chemicals and napalm set to spark a fire to carpet soaked in gasoline. and the triggering device was tied to a remote control. a radio set to blast music so someone would pick it up. the planned explosion was suppose to get law enforcement to send resources to his apartment, instead of the theater, leaving questions about his possible insanity defense. >> nobody who has a mental illness would set up their apartment to blow up before they were going to go in and shoot a bunch of people.
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>> reporter: when it comes to that possible insanity defense, holmes' attorneys asked an atf agent on the stand if any law stops a mentially ill person from buying explosive materials or guns? the answer was no. we're getting video of a busy interstate in florida turned into a free for all by a truckload of bulls. the truck, hauling 32 bulls, blew a tire and crashed, setting off a stampede. one bull ran down a sheriff's officer in the middle of the road. the officer is okay, but one runaway bull was shot and killed in what turned out to be a six-hour struggle to corral the animals and reopen the highway. six hours. >> those authorities earned their paycheck that day. >> can you imagine? and they're out there, doing their job. i think a lot of people would have gotten into their cars and called animal control. >> that's a tough job. that's like trying to get willis out of the club at night. it's difficult.
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here's a look at your weather, everybody. stormy from the southern plains into the gulf coast with heavy rains and gusty winds. even the possibility of a tornado. that rain will move into atlanta by dinnertime. early snow showers in northern michigan and new york and vermont. >> temperatures in the northeast are 15 degrees above average. the carolinas will be close to 60 degrees. mid-50s in colorado springs and kansas city. the duchess of cambridge, better known to us yanks as kate middleton, turns 31 years old today. >> the palace is not offering up any details, but considering her recent hospitalization for morning sickness, the pregnant duchess probably won't be kicking up her heels. >> as for a birthday gift from her husband, the prince, prince william, the tabloids are reporting that he's likely to present her with options for a new country home fit for a princess, of course. that's a very nice gift. but it's not like he's going to buy the country home.
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doesn't he have a bunch of homes? you can pick the home. i don't know if that's a good gift. he should go shopping for something. jewelry, flowers. >> probably the one gift they both love they'll never get, privacy. up next, new affordable vacation getaways with your waistband in mind. and a new take on an old fashion profession. how today's milk men deliver with a smile. you're watching "world news now." have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake. walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities
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while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta. um, hello. these ugly stains are ruining my good looks and style. and good luck using that cleaner. excuse me, miss ? he's right. those are tough hard water stains, and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, 85% of us have hard water and many don't even know it. you need lime-a-way.
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lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. it's 4 times more effective at removing lime scale than the leading bathroom cleaner. see the lime-a-way difference or your money back.
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if by blessed you mean freaked out about money well we suddenly noticed that everything was getting more expensive so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. thanks honey yeah you suck at folding [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] one cap of tide gives you more cleaning power than 6 caps of the bargain brand. [ woman ] that's my tide, what's yours?
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it's so retro, it's cool. the milk man is making a comeback. >> the one you're about to meet is a former newspaper columnist, and even a corporate consultant. he has two masters degrees, and he thinks the old school approach is the wave of the future. john lee reports now from asheville, north carolina. >> reporter: what he brings might make you long for days gone by. >> your call has been forwarded to an automated system. >> reporter: just when you thought they were obsolete -- >> hey, this is your milkman. >> reporter: here in asheville it's a comeback story most of us never saw coming. >> we have a print of cream. set that down. >> reporter: back in the day. >> we had a milk man, an egg man. >> reporter: jonathan wants to be the man delivering dairy and other local food with his new
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venture. >> people like the idea of the milk man coming back. we have some good products so people are willing to give us a try. >> reporter: he has two masters degrees to fall back on. but real world experience made him appreciate the simple life. >> thank you. >> reporter: the former corporate consultant says he needed to go back to the basics, which led him to something as satisfying as milk. >> i can give someone glass bottle milk, eggs and bread and boom, they're happy. >> it skipped a generation. now we got our milk delivery again. >> reporter: instant gratification, courtesy of a fledgling milkman. >> it's just a nice, basic interaction. boom, there's joy in the moment. >> see, i like that. it's that whole farm-to-table moment. chickens and vegetables. it's a good gig, if you can get it. >> that's my next job. >> it's a good gig. >> got to milk that cow. >> i like it. >> whatever it takes to keep the lights on, folks.
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that is what i do. we'll have more from abc coming up next, including some very cool travel tips. don't go far. cool travel tips. don't go far.
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♪ welcome back, everybody. this is the time of year people, of course, have weight loss on the brain. what can be better than kickstarting your diet with a weight loss vacation. so genevieve is here with tips for finding some deals. thanks for being here. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> this is a very cool list here. it's winter right now, folks are cold, these are some nice getaways to go to to jump-start that off broken resolution about losing weight. so there's a great website you
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want to tell us about. >> i like it lets you organize the weight loss places around the country by distance from your hometown. if you can save money by not flying, you're going to save big bucks. airfare is very expensive, and it won't be hard to find a place within driving distance of your home. 2013, the number one trend is wellness at hotels. so this is big, big this year. so not going to be a problem finding something close to home. >> how long should folks go away for? >> the traditional trip is about several days long. but if you're concerned about money and you want to just get some core lessons down about eating and fitness, opt for a three-day vacation. >> you can make a long weekend out of it. and in terms of timing, you're saying now is a good time to go, prices are a little lower. >> right now. everyone has sort of a holiday hangover from travel. everyone is staying home right now.
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this is the time to go. you're going to get great prices in january and february. there's something called weekend after discounts. look at the weekend after major holidays. so the weekend after the fourth of july, the weekend after labor day. they're going to drop prices, that's when you'll find the best deals. >> speaks of nice venues, let's talk about your recommendations here and let's start with the priciest one, that is a little steep but sounds incredible. >> it's a lot steep, let's be honest. this is the canyon ranch in tucson, arizona. it costs about $7,000 for the week. but this is everything under the sun. you get to pick from 40 fitness classes, talks, a guided hiking, guided biking, gourmet meals. if you've got the money, that's where you want to go. >> for $7,000 per person, i want to leave with a car. and what's number two on the
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list? a little more reasonable. >> about $2,500 for the week, safety harbor in tampa, florida. very beautiful. you're going to get nutrition consultation, personal training. three gourmet meals a day, a daily massage and about half the price. >> not bad at all. and our personal favorite here, costa rica. sounds so good. >> this is the one that makes me think vacation. this is pure vida adventures. it's a surf and yoga camp. seven days long. you get daily surf and daily yoga, salsa lessons, massages, and you'll come out of it a few pounds slimmer. can't beat that. >> sounds like a good deal. thank you so much for being here. our beautiful sunset going on. good tips for everybody out there. you can find all this on our facebook page. stay tune, everybody. we'll be right back.
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[ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up in the middle of the night it can be frustrating. it's hard to turn off and go back to sleep. intermezzo is the first and only prescription sleep aid approved for use as needed in the middle of the night when you can't get back to sleep. it's an effective sleep medicine
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you don't take before bedtime. take it in bed only when you need it and have at least four hours left for sleep. do not take intermezzo if you have had an allergic reaction to drugs containing zolpidem, such as ambien. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath or swelling of your tongue or throat may occur and may be fatal. intermezzo should not be taken if you have taken another sleep medicine at bedtime or in the middle of the night or drank alcohol that day. do not drive or operate machinery until at least 4 hours after taking intermezzo and you're fully awake. driving, eating, or engaging in other activities while not fully awake without remembering the event the next day have been reported. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. alcohol or taking other medicines that make you sleepy may increase these risks. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. intermezzo, like most sleep medicines, has some risk of dependency. common side effects are headache, nausea, and fatigue.
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so if you suffer from middle-of-the-night insomnia, ask your doctor about intermezzo and return to sleep again. ♪ ♪
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♪ glad to see new year's rocking eve did well. first one without dick clark. but you know he was there in spirit. in las vegas this week -- i'm a tech geek, you know. i love gadgets. >> that's you. >> the coolest new gadgets are being unveiled. >> from smart appliances to self-driving cars to giant tv sets. the consumer electronics show offers more than just eye candy. it also gives us a glimpse of the future. we have more now from bbc's rory kellen jones. >> reporter: for gadget lovers, it's the greatest show on earth. they rushed to get a ringside
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seat. thousands of new products are unveiled in las vegas each january. the industry's giants battle for the attention of consumers. you can tell samsung is the giant of this industry by the sheer scale of its enormous stand, which has taken a whole month to build. it shows off its dominance in everything from smartphones where it is the global market leader to smart fridges. but of course, it's televisions where the giants of this industry try to show their appliances. the screens get bigger every year. this one is 110 inches across. but samsung has another trick, a 3-d screen which can show two different programs at the same time. the screen appears blurred, but look through the glasses and it becomes clear. >> it's all about screens, smartphones and how you connect them all together.
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>> reporter: and the car industry has brought lots of new ideas to vegas. this lexus research vehicle effectively drives itself. sensors judge when it's getting too close to other cars and apply the brakes. you don't see a day when i'll be able to sit in the back seat and let the car do the work? >> i would prefer you didn't do that. i would prefer you drove and the car made you a better driver. >> reporter: some of the gadgetry here has no commercial purpose other than to wow the visitors. many of the products battling for attention will take off. and some could even change our lives. >> i saw about ten gadgets i want. i want those flying things, the big tv. i want it all. i don't want the car that drives because i'm a great driver. i don't need all that. >> oh, lord. >>
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this morning on "world news now," call to action. the newtown school massacre pushes former congresswoman gabby giffords to wage a new battle against gun violence. >> giffords and her husband just launched a campaign on the second anniversary of her near fatal shooting. it's wednesday, january 9th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm sunny hostin in for paula. gabby giffords and mark kelly just sat down exclusively with diane sawyer. we'll hear from them in a moment. quite, quite an interview. >> moving too. also this half hour, 2012 is officially in the books as the hottest year on record. from fires to hurricanes to drought, we'll look at what's next in the climate crisis.
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certainly many would say there is a crisis. >> there's an expert in that piece who says, look, we're going to continue to break records. this is just the latest one. in a year, we'll say 2013 was the hottest year ever. so there's definitely a pattern. and then, don't believe everything you read. why those calorie counts on so many menus out there may be more fiction than fact. what we revealed could save your diet. >> that's upsetting to me. >> it is. >> that's upsetting. that's sabotage. >> oh, i'm only going to get -- this only has 300 calories, but it ends up being a whole lot more. it's deceiving. i know you're on a diet. i know the story hits you close to home. a needless diet, i might add. >> evil. moving on.
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move over, baby shower. the ultrasound party is making waves in the pregnancy world. how about that? >> i'm so tired of parties. you got to give gifts to everybody. people get married, engagement party, wedding thing, then the baby, then the house warmers. enough with the gifts already. do your thing and move on. >> this, i don't know, for me, maybe a little tmi. you have your belly out. everybody is looking. >> that's too personal. i don't need to see your greasy belly. >> did you say greasy belly? >> ain't nobody invited me. that's true. call me when the baby is born and cleaned up with a little beanie on. that's all i need to see. sorry. but we begin with serious news this morning. the long list of america's mass shootings prompting new action that could prove to be pivotal in the fight against gun violence. >> spurred by the newtown connecticut school massacre, today new york governor andrew cuomo unveiled a sweeping statewide proposal for stronger gun restrictions. in washington, vice president biden meets with gun control
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advocates. tomorrow he'll discuss policies with representatives of the national rifle association. >> and the list of communities synonymous these days associated with shootings includes newtown, aurora, colorado, and two years ago, tucson, arizona. >> yes, tuesday marked two years since a gunman opened fire on congresswoman gabrielle giffords and others. giffords and her husband, mark kelly, sat down for an exclusive interview with abc's diane sawyer. >> reporter: in the two years since, it's estimated that more than 57,000 adults and 5,000 children have died from a gun in the united states, including the 20 children in newtown, connecticut. >> how do we get to the point where 85% of the children in the world that are killed with guns are killed in the united states? >> you have a gun. >> yes. >> we're both gun owners. we're strong supporters of the second amendment.
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>> reporter: so their group is called americans for responsible solutions and will become a political action committee to spur congress on questions of mental health, high capacity gun magazines, and background checks on purchases of guns. it's still a kind of miracle that congresswoman giffords survived. today, she says she's still making gains, but every one is hard fought. >> the hardest part? >> every day. >> reporter: she's trying to say because of her injury, she has trouble seeing on the right side. in the room with her, there's no doubt she understands quickly, which he says makes it more frustrating when she doesn't have the words to answer. but she will not give up trying. lots of therapy every day. >> physical therapy, yoga -- >> speech -- >> speech therapy. >> reporter: but even if it's hard for her to walk, they say she will be walking the halls, taking her case to the capitol so if any members of congress decide to do nothing, they have to say it to her.
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>> when it can happen to children in a classroom, it's time to say -- >> enough. >> while newtown prompted giffords and kelly to take action, the shooting has touched off a gun buying spree in many parts of the country. >> and because of that buying spree, police departments around the country are running short on ammunition. a nationwide ammunition shortage has already forced this atlanta area sheriffs office to push back a couple training exercises. the department is scrambling to restock. suppliers say they cannot remember demand for bullets being this high. >> how telling is that story? wow. and just when you thought the approval rating for members of congress was low, yeah, it's getting even lower. just 9% of americans have a favorable opinion of congress. get this, that is lower than
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cockroaches, the kardashian family, and cuban dictator fidel castro. who ranks higher? donald trump, those nfl replacement refs, wow, and the nation of france. the survey was conducted just a few days ago. >> and they also rank lower than colonoscopies and gonorrhea. >> wow. gonorrhea is more favorable than congress. wow, wow, wow. >> how about that? >> i have nothing left to say. let's just continue. speaks for itself. safety first. well, president obama's upcoming inaugural ceremony will feature some of america's most popular musical performers. how about beyonce, kelly clarkson, and james taylor? they'll be front and center when the president and vice president are sworn in january 21st. disgraced cyclist legend lance armstrong is ready to face questions about doping allegations head on. armstrong is giving an exclusive tell-all interview to oprah winfrey. his first since being stripped of all seven of his tour de france titles.
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the interview, which will air next week on winfrey's own network comes amid reports that armstrong has been considering admitting the use of performance enhancing drugs. >> reports his reps have denied. we'll see what he tells the queen of talk. >> the oracle. back to the story we mentioned at the top of the show, 2012 was the hottest year on record. and from now, extreme heat across the planet is likely to be the rule rather than the exception. here's abc's dan harris. >> reporter: the pictures coming out of australia that are apocalyptic, flames devouring hot, a lone kangaroo, firefighters contending with the worst possible conditions. it's so hot, the government had to change its forecast maps, adding new shades of purple for temperatures possibly hitting 130 degrees. scenes like this are becoming more common. look at this nasa imagery showing the entire planet has gotten hotter in recent decades.
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here in america, 2012 was not only the warmest year on record, but the second most extreme, featuring tornadoes, wildfires, a massive drought, and, of course, superstorm sandy. many cities had record warmth, including washington, d.c., where a lack of action on man made climate change is likely to mean 2012 is just a glimpse into an unpleasant future, according to many scientists. how do we prepare? take stock of where you live and make some sensible precautions. consider buying flood insurance or raising up your water heater if it's in the basement and look at perhaps a generator. dan harris, abc news, new york. >> how about all the folks that said oh, this climate crisis is nonsense. no global warming, what are they saying now? >> it's just interesting to me. i'm no scientist, but if for those that doubt climate change/global warming, if it doesn't exist, explain the
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numbers to me. i'm open to it, just give me another explanation for why we're seeing all this horrific weather and why the data suggests we're living in a hotter world. >> you noticed snowing on halloween, you know, 50 degrees in january. it doesn't make sense. >> let's take a look at your wednesday hump day weather. the heavy rain in the pacific northwest should soak northern california by dinnertime tonight. more snow in el paso, texas. it's gotten more snow, el paso, that is, so far this season than chicago. >> but it's practically a spring day in much of the country. 50s in the northeast. that's 15 degrees above normal. 40s in omaha and salt lake city.
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the hot spot is miami at 83. >> it could almost be 60 degrees in new york. >> where notre dame played, 83 degrees. >> you've got to get over that. no one bought that weather excuse. >> it's so hot for my team playing in that heat. anyway, it's time for our favorite story of the day. a san antonio man picked up a couple of paintings at his local flea market for 15 bucks apiece. but after looking at the signature he believes they may be a rembrandt. >> jackpot. of course, anyone can sign anyone's name on a painting. now he's trying to find an expert who can authenticate his find. he says regardless of the outcome, he still believes he scored big time at that flea market. >> why doesn't that happen to
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me? i scour flea markets. i buy furniture, paintings. i don't find rembrandts. >> good luck, man. coming up next after the break, who wants to sell you a personal stomach pump? this story is wild. that's coming up later. and the restaurants that allow you to cheat on your diet without you knowing. the deception we uncovered on the menu. you're watching "world news now." [♪...] >> i've been training all year for the big race in chicago, but i can only afford one trip. and i just found out my best friend is getting married in l.a. there's no way i'm missing that. then i heard about hotwire and i realized i could actually afford both trips. see, when really nice hotels
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have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my four-star hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ >> announcer: save big on car rentals too, from $12.95 a day. before the sneeze, help protect with a spray.
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before the tissue, help defend with a wipe. before the cold & flu season, help prevent with lysol. because when you have 10 times more protection with each hand wash... and kill 99.9% of germs around the house with each spray... those healthy habits start to add up. this season, a good offense is the best defense and lysol has your family covered because that's our mission for health. have given way to sleeping. tossing and turning where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there. like it has for so many people before. when taking lunesta, don't drive or operate machinery until you feel fully awake.
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walking, eating, driving, or engaging in other activities while asleep, without remembering it the next day, have been reported. lunesta should not be taken together with alcohol. abnormal behaviors may include aggressiveness, agitation, hallucinations, or confusion. in depressed patients, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide, may occur. alcohol may increase these risks. allergic reactions such as tongue or throat swelling occur rarely and may be fatal. side effects may include unpleasant taste, headache, dizziness, and morning drowsiness. ask your doctor if lunesta is right for you. then find out how to get lunesta for as low as fifteen dollars at there's a land of restful sleep. we can help you go there on the wings of lunesta.
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well, for the past few years, we've been seeing all those calorie counts on menus, and this year, a federal law takes effect, forcing big chain restaurants to post calorie counts. >> it sounds hopeful if those restaurants were telling the truth. as abc's jim avila discovered, the numbers don't always add up. >> reporter: they're supposed to help america's obesity problem. calorie counts boldly displayed on restaurant menus. >> that's kind of important to have that ability to know what you're eating. >> reporter: but a study sampling food from 42 restaurants found wide discrepancies.
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especially at sit-down restaurants and surprisingly, most often on the diet side of the menu. >> these are the foods that people who are trying to manage their weight would gravitate towards and they may be getting more calories than they expect. >> reporter: a just completed abc news sampling found that more than half of the low cal meals that we tested had more calories than listed on the menu. we brought a nationally known lab 24 food samples from four sit-down restaurants and one mcdonald's. surprisingly, the bigmac had 30 calories fewer than advertised in the menu. here too it was the sit-down restaurant that had sometimes wildly different calorie counts than advertised. 11 meals had more calories than on the menu. 10 had fewer. some were over by only a few. but cheesecake factory's fish and trips packed 420 calories more than the menu count in one
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sample. olive garden's seafood was over its calorie count by 180. and one sample of this grilled chicken tested 120 calories more than advertised. >> that may not sound like enough, but if someone consumed 100 calories extra for a year, they could gain up to ten pounds. >> reporter: most calorie counts are as accurate as possible. and tested expensively to make sure. but they concede there are variations, due to portion size and individual restaurant preparations. the menus warn that actual calories may vary. so what you see here may be very different than what is actually on the plate. jim avila, abc news, washington. >> i do not like that! sabotage. >> you are upset. i'm stunned there's no truth in
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advertising. >> thanks, rob, for the sabotage. >> burgers and fries and chicken fingers, four calories. come on down to rob's wing shack. >> seriously, some of it has to do with who is preparing it. >> eat carefully, folks. we'll be right back after this.
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♪ ♪ oh, you like creed, huh? >> love creed. >> go ahead. you're good. >> eclectic musical choices for me. being pregnant can be one of the most joyous and nerve-racking time of a woman's life and that first ultrasound is an amazing experience. >> my first was incredible. now, in our culture of oversharing, ultrasound parties
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are the new thing. >> reporter: this looks like your typical baby shower. but it's really a baby viewing shower. the newest trend for parents to be. tiny fingers and toes captured in 4d video. maggie turned what used to be a private moment in the doctor's office into a party at their home. and that little baby on the big screen is the main attraction. >> one beautiful boy here. [ applause ] >> in the doctor's office, it's all medical. this is more an emotional experience, i think. >> i like that. >> i can't see it! >> reporter: but just like in this "friends" episode, at the doctor's office, it's hard to make out exactly what you're seeing. >> no, i don't see it. >> reporter: and the pictures you do get are often blurry and confusing. so maggie hired an on-the-go ultrasound service.
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lisa dixon is a technician, charging around $500 for the at-home viewing experience. >> it's entertainment purposes only, so i do no diagnostics. >> reporter: critics worry extra ultrasounds may pose unnecessary risks. >> just because it's safe in medicine doesn't mean it should be done excessively or without proper medical indication. >> usually the third or fourth one, and there's no risk in that. there's no proven risk in that. >> reporter: the smiths already knew they were having a boy. and it was finally time to show him off. >> there's the heart beat. >> reporter: and grandma, overjoyed to see her grandson for the very first one. >> i'm very happy. >> reporter: abbie boudreau, abc news, los angeles. >> oh, that's just some taco bell. don't worry.
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now it's time for "the mix" now it's time for "the mix" and this first story, incredible. >> i will explain why my hand is in a cup of water. while i try not to pee on myself, you continue. >> there's a method to the madness. there's a new weight loss invention. basically, it will let dieters eat anything because there's a pump you stick right in your stomach, and the dieters can eat all they want without digesting. so you see there, the food is just sucked out. you get to eat it, you get to taste it. but when it gets to your stomach, it's sucked out and you don't gain weight. 30% of the food from the stomach before the calories are absorbed into the body is removed and it causes weight loss. >> so it doesn't hit the intestines. >> no. that's not bad. you eat whatever you want. you get the flavor and everything.
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>> so much easier than just going to the gym and walking around. that's wild. >> that's the latest. >> any way, let's not even push it. and this could be a story here, a few big retailers are being fined more than $1 million because they labeled rayon clothing as bamboo. so macy's, amazon, sears has been fined $1.26 million. the clothing was rayon, but they said it was bamboo. so the ftc said when attempting to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers, companies need to make sure they don't cross the line into misleading, mislabeling, and advertising. more truth in advertising, just like those calorie counts. how about this. disney world, i don't know if you've ever been there. >> i love it there. >> it's like hell on earth, in my opinion. but now all those waiting long
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hours in line at space mountain, gone. because disney world is unveiling these digital wrist bands that you can gain entry with them, they'll hold your place in line and will give information about your child. say it's your child's birthday. when your child reaches a character, the character will say, happy birthday. people are freaked out about it because it's a little creepy and big brother-ish. >> but we always love disney. >> we do. i'll get the wrist band. also, a new study out, we always get that wrinkle effect. i kind of have it here. but they say it's a revolutionary development that our skins wrinkle, because it helps us grip things better that are wet. it's not just a weird thing. it's an evolutionary thing. >> who knew? >> isn't humanity cool? yes, indeed.
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this morning on "world news now," fired up. gabby giffords' new push against the gun lobby after surviving a shooting two years ago. >> and the former congresswoman is joining lawmakers and lobbyists on both sides of the firearms issue this week. it's wednesday, january 9th. from abc news, this is "world news now." >> here we go again. >> wednesday morning is a little tough sometimes. >> hump day. let's get over that hump. what a hump it's been. good morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> and i'm sunny hostin in for paula faris. you'll see who else is pushing for gun control law changes coming up in our top story. and some of the worst fires ever seen in australia. firefighters are battling the worst 130-degree heat along with unpredictable gusty winds. >> those gusty winds just
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pushing that fire and inflaming it even more. >> terrible combination. >> absolutely. also this morning, does your business need some extra attention? well, you might want to consider hiring this guy. he's earning a worldwide reputation for his sign spinning moves. >> i'm fascinated by this. >> that's a real talent, man. i don't think that's photoshopped or doctored. that's what the dude does. >> i'm fascinated. love it. >> get him to run the prompters. later this half hour, jimmy kimmel moves to his new time spot with a really smashing guest appearance. we'll explain all the funny business coming up in "the skinny." yes, that's right, what you're seeing. >> i love when jen plays rough. but first, lawmakers, leaders and lobbyists are tackling the issue of gun laws
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head on over the next few days. >> today, new york governor andrew cuomo unveiled a sweeping proposal for tougher gun restrictions. in washington, vice president joe biden meets today with victims groups and gun control advocates. and tomorrow, he sits down with representatives of the national rifle association. >> the meetings come at a critical time, as abc's karen travers now reports. good morning, karen. >> reporter: good morning, rob. good morning, sunny. two years after she was shot and wounded, gabrielle giffords is making a big push for gun control. she said the shooting at the sandy hook elementary is a turning point. a somber remembrance of the 2011 shooting tragedy. bells tolled for the 6 killed and 13 wounded two years ago. former congresswoman gabby giffords one was of the wounded. after a long recovery, she's now fighting back, launching a new campaign taking on the gun lobby. they're pushing for background checks for private gun sales and limits to high capacity magazine
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clips. >> how do we get to the point where 85% of the children in the world that are killed with guns are killed in the united states? >> reporter: last week, they comforted families of victims of the sandy hook elementary shooting. she spoke for the first time after in an exclusive interview with abc's diane sawyer. >> you have a gun? >> yes. >> we're both gun owners. we are strong supporters of the second amendment. >> so it is the common sense consensus you're going for? >> we are. and i think most gun owners are in the same camp with us. >> reporter: there's mounting pressure on washington to take meaningful action to prevent another gun tragedy. a new ad for mayors against illegal guns features the mother of christina taylor green. she asked lawmakers -- >> when will you find the courage to stand up to the gun
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lobby? >> reporter: congress will spend the next two months fighting about the death ceiling and cuts. rob and sunny, back to you. >> thank you. a couple of months may be optimistic. there is no guarantee whatsoever what congress is going to do. but it is an interesting moment that the nra is being brought to the table. that should be an encouraging sign that -- around that table there's going to be a nice balance of opinion. >> right. different voices. it's interesting, the nra claims $4.4 million was spent on congressional lobbying. the brady campaign spent $5,800. so there is a disparity in terms of the amount spent lobbying. but they all need to be around that table. there should be a happy medium. i think everyone agrees that the second amendment is there for a purpose, but let's reach a consensus on this. >> absolutely.
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there's no way you can have a healthy, balanced gun control debate without the nra at the table. they represent a significant part of the country. but that stat that mark kelly shared, 85% of kids killed in the world happen here in the u.s. killed by guns. i knew it was bad, but i didn't know it was that bad. >> staggering and sobering. the suspected aurora theater gunman james holmes acted bizarrely in the moments after the shooting, according to detectives who questioned him. in hearings yesterday, one officer testified that holmes pretended to put paper bags on his hands were puppets and that he tried to jam a staple into the electrical outlet. husband attorneys claim that holmes is mentally ill. a top lawmaker says secretary of state hillary clinton will testify about the benghazi attack and she will do so on the 22nd of this month. that is a day after president obama's inauguration and the first day back for congress after a two-week break.
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clinton had been scheduled to testify about the attack before she had a series of health problems. early on, critics claim she was avoiding a congressional appearance. also the wife of a former fbi agent who was kidnapped in iran has released a new series of images of her husband. robert levinston is shown draped in chains in what appears to be a mock prison uniform. he holds a sign which reads, help me. he was kidnapped while on a business trip to iran back in 2007. the family says the u.s., though, is not putting enough pressure on iran to deal with the case. record temperatures in southern australia have cooled slightly this morning, dropping below 100 degrees for the first time in days. that small consolation to firefighters battling to put out fires that have consumed more than 300,000 acres in the last day alone. details from the bbc's nick
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bryant. >> reporter: the fires are being fanned by ferocious winds and some of the highest temperatures the state has ever witnessed. four large regions are being placed at a highest state of alert, catastrophic. it means the fires are uncontrollable and fast moving. at ground level, we saw for ourselves how terrifying the fire fronts can be. this is one of the state's main roads, the prince's highway. too dangerous for the emergency services to travel. just off it, the country homes and properties most at risk. you get a sense of the conditions that the firefighters here are dealing with. these swirling, vicious winds. and it's not just new south wales that's been affected. victoria, the state that suffered the awful black saturday disaster in 2009 is being hit again. seldom has australia witnessed a heat wave like it, or fires that have affected such a large area of the country. nick bryant, bbc news.
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>> stunning pictures there. now we're going to turn to a major consumer headline. all you parents may want to listen up to this one. fisher price is recalling 800,000 infant recliner seats called rock-n-play sleepers. babies could be exposed to mold that could grow in the cushions. after 600 complaints about health problems, consumers should contact fisher price for a possible refund. well, anyone who has to make a living as a human bill board knows how tedious it can be to stand outside all day holding up a sign, trying to lure potential customers. >> we've all seen these folks. a lot of these ad specialists have started finding ways to relieve that boredom, kind of like this group. he's part of a growing trend to have turned sign spinning into performance art.
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>> except take a look at the blanked out sign. we didn't do that. so it appears that the guy is advertising himself. maybe for a job as a sign spinner? >> so he's just out there for his own amusement, with a flashback to the break dancing days. >> here in new york you walk by and they have all the signs, they try to give you little pieces of paper. if i saw that, i would be interested in seeing what's what. >> that would catch your eye? >> it would. they would have my curiosity and attention. they would. >> be creative. that's all that matters. stop and look, that's all they want you to do. coming up next, human-like behavior in wild animals. see what's so amazing in rhinos. and the outrage over a big company bailed out by the american taxpayers is set to turn the legal tables. you're watching "world news now."
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♪ ♪ now." ♪ well, here's a fine way to say thank you. less than five years after american taxpayers saved the insurance company from bankruptcy, aig is now
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considering suing the u.s. government. >> pretty outrageous according to some folks. aig said the interest rate was simply too high. abc's david muir has more. >> reporter: insurance giant aig bailed out by the american taxpayer just days ago launching this brand new marketing campaign, with three simple words. >> thank you, america. >> thank you, america. >> thank you, america. >> reporter: but now, after thanking america, it turns out aig might sue it. how do you say thank you, america, and then turn around and consider suing america? >> that's the fascinating thing. they just launched this campaign thanking americans, now they're considering suing it. >> reporter: it was the worst economic crash since the depression and taxpayers came to the rescue. $182 billion for aig. the insurance giant had bet on mortgage securities, bets that went wrong.
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ben bernanke calling the bets unconscionable. fast forward and now the company just finished paying back american taxpayers and in those new ads, proud of it. >> we've repaid every dollar america leant us. >> everything. with a profit of more than $22 billion. >> reporter: as those ads play on tv, aig is deciding whether to sue the government. the claim, that the terms of the bailout that taxpayer rescue actually hurt shareholders, in part, arguing the interest charge on that government rescue money was too high. the new york fed telling us, there's no merit to this suit, saying back then, aig's board of directors had an alternative choice from borrowing from the federal reserve and that choice was bankruptcy. had there not have been a bailout, what would the shareholders have now? >> possibly zero. >> reporter: a $25 billion lawsuit has been filed by the former ceo, the company saying it is in their obligation to determine what is in the best interest of the country. >> that's wild.
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why start that thank you america campaign? that's a mixed message. >> they're saying the terms of the bailout were unfair when many say it was too generous. i remember that. we were all reporting that and talking about it. >> oh, aig, omg. coming up next, jimmy kimmel's new time slot and his smashing guest. and inside kim kardashian and kanye west's home. we'll share the price tag and get a peek inside coming up next in "the skinny." in "the skinny." fwlarn
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♪ skinny, so skinny skinny in the house! >> good morning, willis. big night for jimmy kimmel last night. taking over his new time slot at 11:30 here on abc. congratulations to him. a new chapter in late night begins. so congrats, jimmy. enjoy the big move. had a great first show last night. one of my favorite hollywood starlets, jennifer aniston.
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something so effortlessly sexy about her. as this next clip will prove. take a listen. >> why would you do this to my new desk? what is wrong with you? >> out with the old, in with the new. >> this was the new desk. >> how adorable is jennifer aniston? later, she gave him that haircut. jimmy had a fun show. congrats to his new time slot. welcome, jimmy. do your thing after 10, 11 years on the air. so boom, got the big slot. thanks for having jennifer on. >> love jennifer. >> love her. kim kardashian -- >> speaking of love.
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>> kim, as many people know, is pregnant. she's pregnant with kanye west's baby, their baby. apparently the unmarried couple, the happy unmarried couple is buying a $10.75 million mansion in bel-air, california. it's about 10,000 square feet. they're going to gut it and make way for a 14,000 square dream italian villa, because the 10,000 square feet for three people is not big enough. so they're going to have a gym, a movie theater, full hair and makeup salon, bowling alley, basketball court, indoor and outdoor pool. all those things that you need. >> just the basics for, what do they call them, kimye? >> kimye. >> kimye needs that. >> 2013, here we go. also -- did i skip one here? where are we at? >> all your girlfriends are in "the skinny." brooke burke was on "good morning america" yesterday.
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>> you like her too. >> she's fine, as well. and she's recovering well from thyroid cancer. she was on "gma" on tuesday. she had the surgery on december 6th. she'll be back on "dancing with the stars" and we want to say you're looking good, recovering well. there she was in the hospital a few weeks ago. again, the surgery taken care of. we want to extend our best wishes. >> absolutely. >> keep on keeping on. >> you know, the alabama quarterback, we all know they beat notre dame. catherine web, she is the center of attention as opposed to mccarron. espn commentator brent musburger. listen to hem -- >> that young lady there -- >> he was really drooling over this girl.
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>> she's gorgeous. >> oh, sunny. drink some more haterade.
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you're watching "world news now." >> sleep is overrated. ♪ every time i hear that song, i think of the cosbys dancing on the steps. remember that? little rudy. takes me back. so here's another question, right? did you ever wonder what rhinos do after dark?
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i mean, i know i wonder. >> hell no. i can't say that i have. but apparently someone does, because the discovery channel took a look at the secret lives of animals. they set up a secret camera and found out exactly what happens and abc's sharyn alfonsi reveals it all. >> reporter: it is a peek into a secret world we've never seen. giraffes in a knockout battle for domination. and then the block rhino, a notoriously solitary animal, or so we thought. watch as rhinos gather at a water hole at night. a mother emerging with her calf. their vision is poor, but their sense of smell is sharp. they greet each other with surprising gentleness. >> we never knew about it because you can't see it. >> reporter: he says there have been legends of such secret gatherings. but until now, no one has been able to film it. >> the only way to do it is with a special camera.
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>> reporter: and microphones hidden revealed a secret language. it's believed this is a friendly sound. an overture of the normally cagey rhino. animals that have been around for millions of years, still able to surprise us. sharyn alfonsi, abc news, new york. >> i mean, i always wondered what rhinos did after dark. >> now you know. >> personally. and they were so sweet to each other. >> willis, are you touched by this story? >> i'm so touched, i'm about ready to go to sleep. >> look at them. they're like kissing, being so nice. >> of course they're kissing, look how horny they are. oh, man. more from abc is coming up next.
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this morning, a real conversion about gun control. >> the vice president launches his task force today, meeting this week with gun rights groups. even the nra. as gun owners gabby giffords and mark kelly talk to abc news about their own effort to control weapons. hospitals overrun. they are now on the front lines of this winter's flu wars. some even setting up tents to cope with an influx of patients. bull run florida style. a deputy reports to duty to face lifestock on the loose. and night shift. jimmy kimmel clocks in an hour earlier, beginning a new era in late-night. and good wednesday morning, everybody. i'm rob nelson. >> i'm sunny hostin, in for


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